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Hi Guys, it’s been a while since I’ve posted here. Life in Cork has been FULL! After last summer’s mission team and Holiday Bible Club (aka VBS), our family got to attend a family missionary conference in Austria, I went to visit my sisters for a couple of weeks in Phoenix, we had a couple visits here from special guests, Branden and I got to teach at a children’s ministry conference in the UK, and we moved house right before Christmas!
Lots of more normal things along the way as well, and the steady beat of ministry (although we’ve started overseeing the youth ministry at the church too!). Also, our dramatic visa saga has ended happily, for now, and we are good to go until next fall, praise God!
It’s been good and full of life and challenges and growth, and we’re so incredibly thankful entering the new year, knowing the Lord has gone before us and continues to let us, call us, to be a part of the things He’s doing here in Cork!
And as good and grounding as things have been here, we are looking ahead now, to a furlough next month! We’re planning on going back to the States for about 5 weeks, leaving February 11th and staying stateside until March 17th. This time around, stops include Colorado, Wyoming and Arizona.
This is honestly always kind of a weird time, being home, getting ready to go home, knowing we’ll come home again. These places are completely different from each other – people, culture, food, everything – and yet, somehow our hearts reside in both. Going back to the States is always both rest and work, and so is coming back to Ireland. Strange that they’re completely different and also so similar.
We’re excited to be with family, eat food we miss, enjoy friends we haven’t gotten to hang out with for a year! And also looking forward to sharing in person, all the things God has been doing, all our adventures over the last twelve months.
Speaking of sharing what’s been happening here, we’re planning on doing a special Worship & Update Night at Calvary Church on Friday, February 21st at 7pm! Everyone is welcome to come! We’ll have a time of worship together (really looking forward to this!!), then share what life has held for us over the past year, and some of the things on the horizon as we look ahead into 2020. We’ll end the night with some refreshments and fellowship for anyone who wants to stick around and catch up!
I’ve made a Facebook event page where you can find more details and let us know if you can make it, here: https://www.facebook.com/events/685696235296218/
It’s honestly open to EVERYONE! So please come, and maybe think of someone who might be encouraged to hear what God is doing in Ireland!
Thank you, for continuing to follow along and be a part of our lives and the ministry in Cork – it’s humbling, and we’re so thankful to live this life with Jesus and with you! If you want to connect on Instagram, you can find me at thetreulife. That’s where I’m most likely to post, more regularly anyway.
Looking forward to seeing some of you in person in just a few weeks! Until then, please keep our family in your prayers as we get ready to go, organize things for both sides, and continue in the work God has called us to. He is up to good things, and we can’t wait to share more with you!
In Him, Ernie