goodbye winter
yesterday was the first day of spring. usually, march is super snowy, but lately the temperatures have been up in the 50’s and 60’s! i’m a big fan of the sunshine and all that the warmer weather brings – playing outside, ice cream cones, and garage sales 🙂
but i am kind of sad to say goodbye to winter. this was the first winter where both the kids were old enough to actually play in the snow. our big winter activity this year? sledding! so to commemorate the early end of this year’s cooler weather (at least until october 🙂 i thought i’d share some sledding fun!
here’s the BIG hill we enjoyed this sledding season! it’s huge!
branden and ethan making their way back up after a run
silas chilling in what he called “the ice house,” seriously a mound of jagged snow and ice! boys find the most dangerous places to play!
and a couple of sledding videos. scroll down and turn off the music on the right side before enjoying! and watch out, the second one is kind of loud!