13 / 52 – Traditions

I love traditions!  I have these grand hopes that one day our kids will look back and remember the special things we did to mark holidays and seasons, maybe carry them on with their own families or be inspired to start their own!  I think more though, I hope the traditions we are starting give the boys an understanding of the reason we celebrate certain things.

This year for Easter, we did something a little different.  Our Easter weekend was really full!  I got to serve at church and we stayed a few nights in town with an awesome family that let us occupy their basement!

On Monday, back at home, we pulled out our Easter story stones.  I’d made them a few years ago for the boys.  Stones with symbols drawn on them to represent parts of the Easter story.  There are 12 stones/sets of stones and 12 parts of the story, from the Last Supper to Pentecost.  In years past, we’d look at a part of the story each day for 12 days.  This year, we started at 9am and did a part of the story every hour for 12 hours!  And after each time, reading a Bible passage and having a short discussion, we’d do a fun activity or have a treat!  Here are some of my favorite moments from the day:


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We ended the night by taking communion as a family.  Lights dim, reflecting on the day and the sacrifice Jesus made to be with us.  Branden leading us in prayer and partaking in remembrance together.

I know that as our boys grow, so will their understanding.  That’s how it is for all of us.  I’m praying that seeds of truth and who God is, grow in these moments and daily as we walk with the Lord together.

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12 / 52 - For the joy...

March 26, 2016

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14 / 52 - Basement Dwellers

April 9, 2016