14 / 52 – Basement Dwellers
We are currently basement dwellers. It’s safe and (for the most part) warm. There are no real walls or flooring. And it’s teaching us
1. how spoiled we are
2. how much we have to be thankful for
Our hearts are in two places right now. We’re here, still in the States, preparing for a really big transition and life on the mission field. And our hearts are there too, in Ireland, with people we’re only beginning to know but already love so much!
It’s fun to think about what life might be like when we move. The Lord has been speaking to us some about what He has in store! I wonder though, how He will use the things He’s teaching us right now, to live life more fully in the future.
I hope we’ll remember what it is to be a basement dweller. Realizing how dependent we are on Him and how good He truly is to us. Living right here, right now, helps us hold on to possessions with a looser grip. And it helps us understand that it’s about people. God gave up Heaven because He loves people. He sees each individual – beauty, imperfection, hurt, heart – and loves them completely. I want to be this way.
And I want to remember the laughter in these concrete walls, the days we spent here in this house, enjoying togetherness and realizing the few things that are truly necessary.