Category: Stories from the Field

27 Posts

  • 14 / 52 – Basement Dwellers

    We are currently basement dwellers.  It’s safe and (for the most part) warm.  There are no real walls or flooring.  And it’s teaching us 1. how spoiled we are 2. how much we have to be thankful for Our hearts are in two places right now.  We’re here, still in the States, preparing for a really big transition and life on the mission field.  And our hearts are there too,…

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  • Project 52

    Psalm 90:12 says, “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Last year I started a project of taking and posting a picture everyday for 100 days.  Sadly at around day 60 or so, I stopped posting and never finished the project :/  No excuses, but honestly, I couldn’t keep up.  Life just got too crazy and amazing and busy and I couldn’t…

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  • Treus in the Emerald Isle

    Hi there!  In my last post a few weeks ago, our family was headed to Ireland to do a family mission and scouting trip, serving, but also praying about if we are supposed to go back as full time missionaries!  I know some of you have already heard from Facebook or in person, but I wanted to share about our trip here, and what we feel like the Lord has said.…

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