40 / 52 – Home

Today is my Mom’s birthday!  It’s also our last day in the States before heading to the mission field in Ireland.

I got to spend the day with her yesterday, celebrating her (and running around trying to get all my last minute stuff done before leaving!)  We picked up a birthday gift, did a little shopping, and got massages, but mostly it was just really sweet to hang out together.


There have been a lot of seasons in my relationship with my Mom.  We’ve lived in my parents’ basement for a little over a year now.  It has had a few challenging moments, but for the most part, it’s been a gift, giving us time together before the season ahead, and I am so grateful!

We have this routine right now.  Before she heads to work in the morning, I get up and make her breakfast. We get a few minutes to chat before heading in different directions and beginning the day.  It’s been simple and become beautifully habitual.  And I think it’s going to be one of things I miss the most about home.

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There was a time when our hearts were away from each other.  Now we’re the closest we’ve ever been, and physical distance will separate us.  The word “Mom” has become synonymous for “Home.”  I’m so thankful for her, and for the year that we’ve had to be together.  Of all the things that are challenging in this transition, I think leaving her will be one of the hardest.  It’s not just that she’s walked with me through all the small and huge steps of the last year leading to Ireland.  It’s also the every day chats, eating food at her table and sitting down to meals together, sharing chores and kissing her goodbye before she leaves for work.

I’m thankful that as the Lord leads us, He is faithful to take care of our hearts.  In Him, we are not so far apart, and the promise of eternity teaches us to fix our hearts and minds on things above.  Home is ahead and not behind, and these days will be spent loving and living for the King and His heart to bring the world back to Himself.

Today my heart is both full and hurting.  In Jesus there is often both.  Tomorrow starts a new adventure, but today we’ll celebrate my Mom and enjoy family and look forward together.

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October 9, 2016

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41 / 52 - Six days in

October 16, 2016