day 7

~  day 7  ~

Tonight I am thankful for a super considerate husband who, after working late, calls me on his way home, tells me about his next date night idea, listens to me talk about my long day, and takes the boys out to peruse the toy aisles of Target (which is their favorite thing to do 🙂 so that I can sit quietly by myself for an hour.  Your awesome Babe, for reals!

I know it’s only been a week and I’ve bragged on him quite a bit, but seriously, after being together twelve years, this man only blesses me more and more 🙂

I don’t have a great recent pic of Branden, but I thought you might enjoy seeing what the hubs and I looked like before having kids (aka when we looked relaxed and rested!)  So please, enjoy some pre-ninja pictures!

This is from our glorious wedding day 🙂  Sorry for the quality; it’s a pic of a picChristmas 2005

Pictures from the cruise we took for our 5 year wedding anniversary in 2006

This was right before we had Silas in 2007.  Seriously, I think I  was uber pregnant here.

Today, for so many reasons, I am thankful for my awesome husband!

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November 8, 2012